3 Ways e-signatures improve the customer experience

Deliver the best service to your clients wherever they are

Apr 13, 2022
How electronic signatures improve the customer experience

This post talks about how signing electronically can improve customer experiences in B2C and B2B transactions.

If you are running a business in 2022, you’ll know that your customers’ needs are constantly changing. You saw how the COVID-19 pandemic majorly shaped peoples’ purchasing habits. You’ve also seen how new digital technologies are influencing customer expectations of brands.

But did you notice that one fast-growing digital trend boosting the customer experience and driving business success is the use of electronic signatures? If not, take note of this eye-opening stat: The digital signature market is expected to reach USD 35.03 Billion by 2029 (Fortune Business Insights).

Maybe you’re wondering, “What is an electronic signature?”, and, “Why are electronic signatures an important part of the customer journey?”. Continue reading to learn more about e-signatures and why it’s worth investing in this software.

Electronic signatures are the digital alternative to traditional paper-based wet signatures. Signing documents electronically means clients can complete a transaction anywhere, on any device, without needing to print or meet agents in person.

When do clients use electronic signatures?

Loads of industries are using digital agreement software in their sales and client onboarding processes. From real estate to financial and governmental institutions, documents need to be signed and there is no easier way than with electronic signatures. 

Here are some examples of documents that customers can e-sign:

  • Sales and purchasing orders
  • Vendor and supplier agreements
  • Client onboarding forms
  • Real estate rental agreements
  • Legal Non-Disclosure Agreements
  • Loan and mortgage agreements

How can electronic signatures boost the customer experience?

Companies that have already invested in digital signature solutions are improving customer experiences. But if you’re new to this CX trend, you might ask, "How do electronic signatures lead to client satisfaction?".

Here are 3 ways electronic signatures can enhance the customer experience and drive more revenue to your business:

1. Streamlines the client onboarding experience

Paper document overload can be a distraction and slow down business operations. When you onboard new clients to your product or service, you can save time and hassle by preparing, sending, and reviewing their contracts in a digital agreement platform.

Instead of manually handling paper documents one by one, electronic signature solutions like iLovePDF Signature allow you to send multiple contracts for signature at the same time using the multi-signature request feature.

In this way, rather than asking parties to sign, scan, and post paperwork, they can just fill out and click some boxes. It accelerates the agreement process in time-sensitive situations and makes customer interactions more efficient.

2. More secure than on-paper transactions

Paper contracts can go missing or even be tampered with if they fall into the wrong hands. This can put your client’s sensitive information at risk.

Paper agreements are also harder to validate. For example, let’s say that you are closing a B2B deal from a remote location. How can you be sure that the other party signing the paper document is who they say they are?

In these situations, e-signing is the safer option for two reasons: 

  • Signed documents in an e-signature software are archived as ISO-standardized PDF files and protected with strong encryption.
  • e-Sign tools like iLovePDF’s allow clients to sign documents with a Digital Signature. This type of signature uses an elDAS-compliant digital certificate and a private key to authenticate your client’s identity.

Offering the digital signature option in overseas transactions can help increase the level of customer trust in your service while guaranteeing the legal validity of the contract. In turn, your brand appears more professional, which will strengthen the business-customer relationship.

3. Compatible on mobile devices

Today people don’t only use their smartphones for instant messaging and social media but also for work. Whether it's to open a bank account or secure a loan, providing your clients the ability to use their personal devices can significantly boost client satisfaction.

Many e-signature platforms are compatible with multiple devices so that parties can fill out and sign forms anywhere in the world without having to be sat at a computer. As a result, your customer feels more empowered and at ease in the signing process.

If you would like satisfied customers in 2022, supporting a mobile-friendly workflow is a key driver.

How can I measure customer satisfaction from e-signing?

Now, let’s imagine that you have adopted an e-sign tool after learning that it makes your company more customer-centric. How can you check that your customers are happy with the digital transformation?

There are many ways to measure customer satisfaction. One of the simplest and most effective ways is to create an online customer satisfaction survey. You can find online tools to help you create customer surveys quickly and easily.

Take advantage of the survey to ask your customers to provide feedback about the new digital signing experience. If you receive a high customer satisfaction score, you’ll know it was worth the investment.

Keep your clients loyal in the digital age

Taking the digital route with electronic signatures can speed up the sales process, increase document security, and facilitate remote transactions. Whether you’re a product or service, using digital signing will put your brand at a competitive advantage by empowering your customers to do more, on any device.

If you are searching for an intuitive digital signing platform that focuses on customer satisfaction, iLovePDF Signature is a great choice. Plus, it offers a flexible pricing plan for all business sizes. To give it a try for free, click on the red button below to start signing using simple electronic signatures.

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Make the signing process customer-friendly

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